Friday 4 November 2011

The Knock Out Artist

I loved 'Feast of Snakes', so I went here...But I'm not sure its where I wanted to be. Yes, on the one hand a brilliant premise: if ever there was an anti-hero who triumphs on the basis of annihilation of self, this is it. Can you imagine, sucess garnered from destruction of the self: the more you 'die', the more famous you get, the more you get out of it. How to stop this cycle of self fulfilling violence?

How about the 'girlfirend': is it OK to scrounge off a 'sugar mommy' and then get all upset because she wants to get something outof it as well, albeit it is your soul? Come on: we all have to pay the piper some day. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

Is there redemption in the end? If piling up your collectibles on an ox cart and legging it counts for a grand finale, then I guess yes. But wait: where will THAT long winding road take you? with no money, no prospects, no job? OK, we've seen it before: Kerouac's 'On the road', Bukowski's 'Factotum': but is the knock out artist made of the same mould? And if he was, wouldn't he have just been ...meandering from the get go, like the miscreants in the former two novels?

And so, I can't imagine a 'happy' ending here. Shame      

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